"select * from (select a.*,rownum rn from(select * from PREPRO_PERSON left join files on PREPRO_PERSON.FILE_ID = files.ID left join NEW_FILES on PREPRO_PERSON.FILE_ID = NEW_FILES.ID "+
"<where> "+
" 1=1"+
"<if test='uploadNo != null '>"+
"and PREPRO_PERSON.JMSFZSLH = #{uploadNo}"+
" <if test='IDCard != null '> ",
"and GMSFHM = #{IDCard} ",
"</if> ",
" <if test='oldFile != null '> ",
"and files.SOURCE_FILE_NAME =#{oldFile} ",
" </if> ",
" <if test='newFile != null'> ",
"and NEW_FILES.NEW_FILE_NAME = #{newFile}",
" </if> ",
" <if test='SSXQDM != null '> ",
" </if>",
" <if test='cardType != null '>",
" and PREPRO_PERSON.CARD_TYPE_ID =#{cardType}",
" </if> ",
" <if test='state != null'>",
" and PREPRO_PERSON.state = #{state}",
" </if> ",
" <if test='uploadDate != null '>",
" and files.CREAT_TIME = #{uploadDate}",
" </if> ",
") a ) where rn between #{minNum} and #{maxNum} </script>"})