Commit a936a221 authored by suichenguang's avatar suichenguang


parent a7528b2f
......@@ -14,13 +14,13 @@ public interface InfoManagementMapper {
@Select("<script> " +
"select * from new_files \n" +
"where 1=1\n" +
"<if test='beginFileName != null '>" +
"<if test='beginFileName != \"\" '>" +
"and (NEW_FILE_NAME between(#{beginFileName})and (#{endFileName}))\n" +
"</if>" +
"<if test='gajgMc != null '>" +
"<if test='gajgMc != \"\" '>" +
"and DWMC=#{gajgMc}\n" +
"</if>" +
"<if test='beginDate != null '>" +
"<if test='beginDate != \"\" '>" +
"and (subStr(CREATE_DATE,0,8) between(#{beginDate})and(#{endDate}))"+
"</if>" +
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