Commit 8a1a4537 authored by dahai's avatar dahai


parent 476a0f64
......@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ public class queryPreproPerson {
// @RequiresPermissions("userInfo.add")//权限管理;
public Map<String,Object> printXmlData(@RequestParam("uploadNo") String uploadNo, @RequestParam("IDCard")String IDCard,@RequestParam("oldFile") String oldFile, @RequestParam("newFile")String newFile, @RequestParam("SSXQDM")String SSXQDM, @RequestParam("cardType")String cardType, @RequestParam("state")String state, @RequestParam("uploadDate")String uploadDate,@RequestParam("currPage")String currPage,@RequestParam("pageSize")String pageSize, HttpServletResponse response){
List<PreproPersonEntity> preproPersonEntities = preproPersonService.selectPreproPerson(uploadNo, IDCard, oldFile, newFile, SSXQDM, cardType, state, replaceDate(uploadDate),currPage,pageSize);
List<Map<String, Object>> preproPersonEntities = preproPersonService.selectPreproPerson(uploadNo, IDCard, oldFile, newFile, SSXQDM, cardType, state, replaceDate(uploadDate),currPage,pageSize);
Map<String,Object> map = new LinkedHashMap<>();
List<PreproPersonEntity> preproPersonEntityList = preproPersonService.selectPreproPersonCount(uploadNo, IDCard, oldFile, newFile, SSXQDM, cardType, state, replaceDate(uploadDate));
......@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ public interface PreproPersonMapper {
@Select({"<script> select * from (select a.*,rownum rn from(select * from PREPRO_PERSON left join files on PREPRO_PERSON.FILE_ID = files.ID left join NEW_FILES on PREPRO_PERSON.FILE_ID = NEW_FILES.ID " +
@Select({"<script> select PREPRO_PERSON.JMSFZSLH,xm,PREPRO_PERSON.XBDM,PREPRO_PERSON.GMSFHM,files.SOURCE_FILE_NAME,NEW_FILES.NEW_FILE_NAME from (select a.*,rownum rn from(select * from PREPRO_PERSON left join files on PREPRO_PERSON.FILE_ID = files.ID left join NEW_FILES on PREPRO_PERSON.FILE_ID = NEW_FILES.ID " +
"<where> " +
" 1=1" +
"<if test='uploadNo != null '>" +
......@@ -53,10 +53,10 @@ public interface PreproPersonMapper {
" and to_char(UPLOAD_DATE,'yyyyMMdd') = #{uploadDate}"+
" </if> </where>"+
") a ) where rn between #{minNum} and #{maxNum} </script>"})
public List<PreproPersonEntity> selectPreproPerson(@Param("uploadNo") String uploadNo, @Param("IDCard") String IDCard, @Param("oldFile") String oldFile, @Param("newFile") String newFile, @Param("SSXQDM") String SSXQDM, @Param("cardType") String cardType, @Param("state") String state, @Param("uploadDate") String uploadDate, @Param("minNum") long minNum, @Param("maxNum") long maxNum);
public List<Map<String,Object>> selectPreproPerson(@Param("uploadNo") String uploadNo, @Param("IDCard") String IDCard, @Param("oldFile") String oldFile, @Param("newFile") String newFile, @Param("SSXQDM") String SSXQDM, @Param("cardType") String cardType, @Param("state") String state, @Param("uploadDate") String uploadDate, @Param("minNum") long minNum, @Param("maxNum") long maxNum);
@Select({"<script>" +
"select * from PREPRO_PERSON left join files on PREPRO_PERSON.FILE_ID = files.ID left join NEW_FILES on PREPRO_PERSON.FILE_ID = NEW_FILES.ID " +
"select * from PREPRO_PERSON left join files on PREPRO_PERSON.FILE_ID = files.ID left join NEW_FILES on PREPRO_PERSON.FILE_ID = NEW_FILES.ID " +
"<where> " +
" 1=1" +
"<if test='uploadNo != null '>" +
......@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ public interface PreproPersonService {
public boolean updatePreproPersonIsValid(PreproPersonEntity preproPersonEntity);
public List<PreproPersonEntity> selectPreproPerson(String uploadNo, String IDCard, String oldFile, String newFile, String SSXQDM, String cardType, String state, String uploadDate,String currPage,String pageSize);
public List<Map<String, Object>> selectPreproPerson(String uploadNo, String IDCard, String oldFile, String newFile, String SSXQDM, String cardType, String state, String uploadDate,String currPage,String pageSize);
public List<PreproPersonEntity> selectAllPreproPerson(String uploadNo, String IDCard, String oldFile, String newFile, String SSXQDM, String cardType, String state, String uploadDate);
......@@ -39,9 +39,9 @@ public class PreproPersonServiceImpl implements PreproPersonService {
* @return
public List<PreproPersonEntity> selectPreproPerson(String uploadNo, String IDCard, String oldFile, String newFile, String SSXQDM, String cardType, String state, String uploadDate,String currPage,String pageSize) {
List<PreproPersonEntity> preproPersonEntities = preproPersonMapper.selectPreproPerson(replace(uploadNo), replace(IDCard), replace(oldFile), replace(newFile), replace(SSXQDM), replace(cardType), replace(state), replace(uploadDate),(Long.valueOf(currPage)-1)*Long.valueOf(pageSize)+1,Long.valueOf(currPage)*Long.valueOf(pageSize));
return preproPersonEntities;
public List<Map<String, Object>> selectPreproPerson(String uploadNo, String IDCard, String oldFile, String newFile, String SSXQDM, String cardType, String state, String uploadDate,String currPage,String pageSize) {
List<Map<String, Object>> mapList = preproPersonMapper.selectPreproPerson(replace(uploadNo), replace(IDCard), replace(oldFile), replace(newFile), replace(SSXQDM), replace(cardType), replace(state), replace(uploadDate), (Long.valueOf(currPage) - 1) * Long.valueOf(pageSize) + 1, Long.valueOf(currPage) * Long.valueOf(pageSize));
return mapList;
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